Organizers: Purple Mike, Travis Mickle
Video: Norman Kent, Jeremy Tyer
• Goal: Two Plane Wingsuit Formations
• When: June 15-17
• Where: Skydive Chicago
• Registration Fee: $60
• Jump Price: $28
• T-shirt (Optional) $20
• Prerequisites:
o 300 total jumps with 100 wingsuit jumps.
Come join us at Skydive Chicago for exciting two plane wingsuit formations! The focus of this event is to build the skills required to make formation records. Since this is not a record attempt, we will build upon the lessons learned from the multi-level vertical hybrid formations that we did at Skydive Spaceland Houston last October. This means that there will be vertical and backflying slots available for advanced flyers 🙂
This is an open event for those that meet the prerequisites listed above, so please register by following the steps below:
• Follow this link to register:
• Send $60 (or $80 if you would like a t-shirt) via PayPal to wingsuitworldrecord@gmail.
• Make sure that your reserve repack expiration date is current through June 18, 2018.
• Make sure that your USPA (or foreign equivalent) membership expiration date is current through June 18, 2018.
Special Teams
All slots matter, but some slots have special needs. If you would like to be considered for the base 9-way, edge, spine, and/or long diver slots, then please let us know.
The final day to request a full refund is June 1st. After the event, unused pre-paid jumps are fully refundable, or you can use them anytime at Skydive Chicago.
Please contact one of the members of the leadership team, if you have any additional questions. Slots are limited, so please register today 🙂
We hope to see you there,
-Scott, Mike, and Travis